
An Open Letter to Dr. Lucio Tan [致陳永栽博士公開信]

痛哉!如果說金融海嘯給不可一世的世界唯一超強 -- 美國,在短短數月間百孔千瘡,威風掃地;那麽,陳博士您卻因為在處理令弟之事不當,而焦頭爛耳, 顏面盡失。華社街頭巷尾深深為您的聰明一世,糊塗一時而惋惜,為您的一意孤行,造成親者疼,仇者快而忿忿不平。難道受尊崇為華人的第一大班,數月之間竟變為市井之流,也是天意嗎?

其實,您親自赤膊上陣向人解釋與令弟的糾紛事,已經完全喪失自己的身份地位,可是,據說您最近卻走訪了老對頭葉應祿先生,葉是一位眾口皆碑的賺賺君子,相信用任何條件交換也不會改變其為人處事原則的;不幸的是您病急亂投醫,居然降尊拜見李逢梧,並建議他出任商總理事長,如今,他在公衆場合說最近 ‘瘋的’(指你) 找他求詩治瘋藥,因你弟媳的瘋病傳染給令弟。而且還到處學著你那似跛非跛的八字腳步伐,仿著你那似笑非笑的說話形象,曰:永年竊取我公司20個B。荒唐! 既然是生意虧的,怎能算是偷呢?況且,不久前你才在媒體面前信誓旦旦地說,永年不食不取,沒貪你一分錢。


嗚呼! 陳大班,敬請您顧及自己的顏面,凡事不要忘記您的身份地位。


What pain! Dr. Tan, you have humiliated yourself beyond rescue. If you were to say that the USA, the world's superpower was torn and humiliated by the recent economic meltdown, the humiliation you are suffering within the Filipino-Chinese community is much worse. We are deeply confounded and saddened by the way you have mishandled your feud with your own brother, Mariano Tanenglian. Is this your destiny? Is this fate? Your intelligence and prowess does not explain your recent actions regarding this matter. You have indeed become filth that is unworthy of our city's sewers.

In fact, you have already humiliated yourself by personally spreading rumors and distorting the truth behind your dispute with your brother. To further humiliate yourself, you have stooped down and paid your old foe, Mr. Emilio T. Yap, owner of Manila Bulletin and Manila Hotel, a visit in order to woo him into your camp. Mr. Yap is a highly regarded public figure in society. Whatever incentives or conditions you have given Mr. Yap, we believe that he will hold true to his own integrity and not be swayed by your wealth and influence.

You even have gone as far as paying a visit to Mr. James G. Dy, chairman and president of the Philippine Chinese Charitable Association, to suggest that he take the reigns of the Chamber of Commerce. It is so unfortunate to see that you have resorted to desperate measures to save your face, stooping down and befriending your enemies. Mr. Dy recently said in public that you are insane for asking him for a cure for insanity because your brother Mariano has picked up his wife's insanity. More so, Mr. Dy has been mimicking your gait and your uncertain laugh; repeating your own words that Mariano embezzled 20 billion pesos from you. That is absurd! That 20 billion pesos you have claimed Mariano embezzled was caused by your own business loss. How could you accuse Mariano of embezzlement? Moreover, you have recently admitted in public media that Mariano is not one who is greedy and corrupt, that he has never stolen a cent from you.

What embarrassment! Mr. Dy's mimicking of your gait and your 'lunacy' has bewildered many. Is Mr. Dy the crazy one or are you the crazy one? Or is it your brother and sister-in-law who are crazily insane? What an embarrassment to see a respected leader of the Filipino-Chinese community be reduced to being called a lunatic; and pointing fingers that your relatives are lunatics as well.

Alas! Mr. Tan, Taipan, we ask that you save your own face, do not forget who you are in society, what your status is within our community.

Written by a group of Filipino-Chinese who cares about you.
July 2009

1 comment:

luciferfxwatchers said...

This quarrel between Lucio Tan and his brother Mariano Tanenglian must be a mysterious way of God to end the evilness of Lucio Tan, the Chinaman top economic saboteur and corruptor in the Filipino land.

These articles at truthaboutluciotan appear to side Tanenglian by only saying that embezzler he is not, but are never saying that Lucio Tan is the Yellow Economic Lucifer in the Filipino land.

These siblings are a pack of Chinamen thieves stealing billions in taxes and oppression, cheating and exploitatin of Filipino workers and farmers every year right in the eyes of Filipino public officials and politicians, from Malacanang and down the line, who sold their souls to Lucifer to sell their own Filipino kind.

This Yellow Economic Lucifer is not a blood-brother of the Tan siblings. He is the only one with hair that is unat (straight). The rest, be devil men or devil women, have all hair that are kulot (curly).

These siblings, including their paid hacks in the government, should all be put to rot in prison like bagoong, except Mariano now,if he is truly sincere, who is now saying to side with the government as state witness in its prosecution of their "emperor" Lucio Tan, the stinking taipan whose fortune he built up by plundering the Filipino people, and wealth he coveted from his creator, the late dictator, as ingrate of the highest order.

Visit soulcast.blogspot and look for Lucio Tan. There are lots of posts to expose Lucio as not the noble man he advertises himself to be, but the Yellow Lucifer in this part of the earth.

Yes, he is so desperate to project himself as a man who cares so much for the Filipino race through phoney philanthropies he advertises he is doing here and there, at a cost of only a trikle in the bucket of his stolen-and-skinned-from-the-Filipino-people wealth, buying a growing number of honoris causa doctorate degrees to be worthy of Ripley's

Implosion must be happening in Lucio Tan's evil empire as a mysterious act of God.