近日西報圖文並茂刊登令二房做壽的招搖場面,華社為您操心:令后、三房至十幾房若紛紛效尤,而且都號稱陳永栽夫人,別說外人分不清您們 的嫡庶,就您們自家人都無法從稱呼。難怪華社紛紛評論說:
1. 令二房是假借做生日之名,行慶祝扳倒令弟之實,果真如此,您豈是 不是要擔負“寵妃而廢八賢王”的罪名。
2. 從您的眾姬妾中,許多崇拜您的人為您抱不平,甚至不少人建議您的兒女們該去做一下DNA測試。否則,到了樹倒猢孫散之時,誰將扶大夏之不傾。
3. 在大多數菲華人士眼中,您不止有大將之風,而且具有帝王之度,如果您的晚節和一世英名毀在女人及卑膝奉迎之手下,不但華社將為您惋惜,令先尊堂泉下也將不安。
尊敬的甲必丹,因為我們始終相信您是一位造時英雄,挽狂濤的好漢。上述議論或許不太中聽,但作為真誠崇敬您的人,還是如實轉告您,因擔 心您高處不勝寒,聽不到民間聲音而延誤時機。再說您已經是80歲老人了,俗語說:天有不測風雲,也該趁您精神飽滿之時把財產分清楚,以免那麼 多的妻妾子女今後爭的你死我活,到時將蚌鶴相爭,漁翁得利,君不見香 港華懋集團同陳姓風水先生財產爭奪案,又毀了您的一世英名。良藥苦口利於病,忠言逆耳利於行。
Our most respected Kapitan:
Erecting your business empire from scratch has become a nationwide legend. You have won the hearts of the Filipino-Chinese community and the favor of mainstream Filipino society. Your business empire's success is strongly tied to our community. Due to the success of your business empire, everyone has learned to address you as the Kapitan. The success and the decline of your empire greatly affects Filipino society.
How could you not recognize that the recent publicized feud with your brother Mariano Tanenglian not only is a family matter but also is a matter that affects all of us. We all sincerely hope that you listen to the public, our opinions.
The Philippine Star had published an article dated May 10, 2009 about your mistress entitled "Lucio Tan's wife celebrates birthday week". The article paraded Lucia Tan (Letty Tan), your mistress, as Mrs. Lucio Tan. This worries the Filipino-Chinese community. After Letty Tan has been paraded in public as Mrs. Lucio Tan, will your other mistresses from the third to the umpteenth be following suit? If your own family has trouble addressing who the real Mrs. Lucio Tan is, let alone the general public who cannot even point out who the real Mrs. Lucio Tan is. The Filipino-Chinese community is saying:
1. To parade Letty Tan's birthday in public media is a diversion tactic that was used to overshadow the truth of the recent on-goings within the Tan family. The real reason for the celebration is the toppling down of your brother, Mariano Tanenglian. Would you like to be accused of "expelling your able ministers to please your mistress"?
2. Because of all your mistresses, many people are worried for you. There are quite a few people who suggest that all your sons and daughters should all undergo DNA testing. If not, when the time comes to divide your wealth, who will be there to help quell the in-fighting and squabble that would ensue?
3. In the eyes of many Filipino-Chinese, you have the prowess of great generals and the demeanor of an emperor. If your 'heroic' legacy is shattered in the hands of women and verminous people, how could you face your ancestors and the Filipino-Chinese community? Of all people, we are greatly disturbed by this thought.
Our most respected Kapitan, we have always believed that you are our hero, a well respected gentleman. Perhaps, you do not wish to hear what we have said above. But we sincerely and truthfully fear for you. We would rather tell you the truth than whisper sweet lies to your ears. We fear that you are too high up in your position that you cannot hear our voices.
You are already in your 80's. You cannot tell when it is your time to part with this life on earth. Take this opportunity when you are still able to clearly divide your wealth among all your children and family in order to avoid any squabbles and in-fighting amongst all your family and mistresses' families. If you do not take this opportunity, your families will be fighting like the crane and the oyster in Chinese stories where the fisherman becomes the final victor. We do not wish to see the same scenario as to what is currently happening with the succession problems of the Chinachem Empire and Tony Chan Chun-Chuen, the Feng Shui master who is reportedly supposed to take over the reigns of the empire. We do not wish to see your legacy, your honorable name be trampled by something as destructive as this.
We hope that you take heed of our advice. You might not like to hear what we say, but for your own good, we hope that you do.
Our dearest Kapitan, we hope that after you receive this message, that you do not disregard what we have said. Read this letter a few more times, be calm, reflect upon what we have said. We deeply believe that you will benefit from what we have said.